Agatsya Rishi


Agastya Rishi is one of the incredible sages. The basic formula for creating electricity is based on the ancient principles of Rishi Agastya. The code composed by him covered his tremendous knowledge of subjects including a formula for making a battery.

In the code, Agastya has mentioned several theories to create clean energy thereby providing electricity with natural resources. Furthermore, similar theories are even followed by the advanced batteries we use today. Sage Agastya composed a book called 'Agastya Samhita'.

There is a lot of discussion about this book. Surprisingly, the sources related to power generation are found in this book. His text says :

संस्थाप्य मृण्मये पात्रे ताम्रपत्रं सुसंस्कृतम्‌।
छादयेच्छिखिग्रीवेन चार्दाभि: काष्ठापांसुभि:॥
दस्तालोष्टो निधात्वय: पारदाच्छादितस्तत:।
संयोगाज्जायते तेजो मित्रावरुणसंज्ञितम्‌॥

Take an Earthen Pot and put the Copper sheet and Copper Sulphate in it, then put Wet sawdust in between and put Zinc and Mercury above it. The reaction of all these will lead to the emergence of Electricity from it. Agastya Samhita also gives details of using electricity for electroplating. He
figured out the method of polishing copper, gold, and silver by battery, hence Agastya is also known as Kumbodbhav.
